Receiving a Proclamation from the City of Pittsburgh
Blessed Home Project Day! Who would have thought the City of Pittsburgh would deem us worthy to have our own day?! This was such an honor to receive for our organization. This March marks 4 years since the Blessed Home Project came to be! We received our official 501 (c)(3) status letter the week that the world shut down for the pandemic. It was an interesting feeling to be excited for this next chapter of my life, yet wondering how long it would be put on hold due to the chaos going on around me. Obviously everything eventually came together and this year we could look back at how far we had come! Originally the BHP was a “side hustle” of doing a nice thing, of giving back, whenever it was convenient. As time went on, it was obvious this was meant for more than that. God gave me this idea and His plan for it was much bigger than what I originally signed up for. It has gone from me & some friends cleaning for people going through rough times to staff, teams of volunteers, and numerous moments of me telling God He picked the wrong person for this job. The huge vision the Lord has shown me couldn’t possibly be carried out by little ole me! He needs someone more eloquent, more educated, more equipped. All I can offer is my obedience and my heart, but apparently that’s all that God ever wanted anyway. As I look around the room at our anniversary dinner, I see many people that are in support of this mission and gratitude fills my heart! Cheers to many more years of carrying out whatever it is God wants to do through BHP!