Our Second Ministry Night | August 2024
Ministry Night Take Two!
I had more confidence this time around, knowing how it went once before & how it needed to be improved. Then we started getting hit with things to derail the night-from worship to photos; we had to find solutions to ensure the night could still go on. I knew in my spirit that meant there was something special about what was going to take place. I also knew that I needed to step up my game & deliver a powerful message from my heart & not scripted, like the last time.
I talked with my oldest the morning of about how she prepares her notes from her Turnaround Podcast & she said I don’t, it’s just Bible references. She then proceeded to tell me last time I just read a paper and it didn’t flow. How dare her to tell me what I already knew! lol. I can appreciate criticism when it comes from someone more seasoned in an area than I am & Dakota is definitely ahead of me when it comes to giving messges from the Word of God. This kid is coming close to her 100th episode of her podcast, so she’s definitely more experienced than me in this arena. I tried my best to write my notes in more of points & not paragraphs, so even if I got nervous I wouldn’t just be reading a whole script.
There were new people & returning people in attendance, which made my heart glad. I couldn’t help but wonder if people thought it was a waste of time & wouldn’t come again, so to see that wasn’t true gave me encouragement. This time, I participated in worship (which is my favorite -acoustic & simple), which enabled me to get out of my head & in line for what God wanted me to do. I started off with my notes that I worked so hard on, but once I started sharing from my heart, my experiences & my testimony; I went so far away from my notes there was no turning back. At one point, I shuffled the papers to see if there was something important I missed and as I dropped all the papers I looked like a fool, I shared with the crowd how David looked like a fool for God. That’s where we should be in our walk; willing to do anything God calls us to do-whether or not we feel we are ready or able. We need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable, because that’s when God steps in & takes over.
This time I didn’t ask if anyone wanted prayer, but told them I would be coming around to pray for them. People were sharing what was on their heart with me & it is truly a gift & honor to be able to come together before the Lord in prayer. I even got prayed for by a few people in attendance! It was truly a beautiful night & I am so thankful for the Lord’s direction for this ministry!