FallMinistry Night
We had our 3rd Ministry Night in a new location & packed it out! We were in the Carriage House of Robin Hill Park, Moon Township with over 35 in attendance! Dakota & Ellie led us in beautiful worship and a man taking a walk in the park came by to check out what was going on-he was impressed with the music he heard.
I titled my message “The God of Hope”, but the Holy Spirit led me into what it means to truly trust God. When you lay everything down before the Lord, you receive joy, peace & healing.
In Isaiah 26:3 it says, You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. We receive that peace that passes all understanding when we believe we can trust God with everything-our lives, our plans, our family, etc.
Psalm 16:11-You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. This isn’t a happiness based off of circumstances, but a true joy from within that carries you through. But you have a part to play! You need to spend intentional time in the presence of the Lord-in His Word, in prayer, in worship & then you can receive that joy!
Trusting God means we trust His Word and believe it fully. In Isaiah 53:5, it says, But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed. See how it doesn’t say, maybe we can be healed? Or that sometimes we get healed? It’s already done. Jesus paid the price for our sins for salvation, but also for our healing to be made whole-complete, lacking nothing.
Start declaring what the Word says about you, your life and your family! You shall walk in joy, peace & healing in the name of Jesus! The more of the Word you have in your spirit, the more you will trust God has everything you need and more. You can’t trust someone that you don’t know, so you’ve got to read your Bible, spend time with God and it will transform everything!
At the end, I gave an altar call to receive Jesus and we had one hand raised! We prayed the sinner’s prayer together then I laid my hands on her to receive joy, peace & healing in the name of Jesus. It was a beautiful moment! Although we were packed out, I still made my rounds to everyone in the room to pray for them personally. Those moments are my favorite-to come alongside of someone in faith before the King of Kings! All glory to God for He has given us the victory through Jesus Christ!
We are in the process of planing our Ministry Nights for 2025 and looking for sponsors to make these happen! If you are interested, please email blessedhomeproject@gmail.com for more information.